Access and Advocacy

Lobbying is based on strong relationships with the executive, legislative and administrative branches of our state government.  Checkmate Strategies  has developed those relationships over four executive administrations and legislative bodies.  Those relationships rest on ethics, credibility and constant vigilance on issues that pertain to our clients.   Key leaders open their doors to us and our clients, listen to our views and respect our opinions  because of these relationships. 

We have a reputation for presenting reliable information  and educating executive and legislative officials on highly complicated issues on behalf of our clients.  Our system of government is complex and it takes the experience and knowledge that Checkmate Strategies has to effectively navigate and resolve issues successfully.  We are extremely proud of our results. 

What Do Clients Expect from Effective Lobbying?

  1. Vigilance in monitoring legislation and regulatory actions

  2. Lobbying your position on issues that directly impact your organization.

  3. Providing messaging and using relationships to block bills that harm a client’s interest

  4. Using  a strong voice for clients in appropriations and budget discussions

  5. Preparing speakers and legislative testimony

  6. Developing grassroots support for specific issues and legislation

  7. Analyzing and communicating information on all of the relevant legislation and issues

Association Management:

Checkmate Strategies provides a range of services that grow association membership and enhance their revenue streams. By using technology, best practices and experience, we bring our clients to a new level of success.  Many clients are surprised at what technology and automation can do to quickly collect dues, donations and contributions from sponsors. The innovations in software can also help to increase  participation in conferences and meetings as well as produce more frequent and robust communication with members.

One of our strengths is also identifying underwriters for events and conferences. Our knowledge and promotional skills enable us to garner support from many sectors that are aligned with the interests of our clients. Although we are a boutique firm we operate with the same communication platforms and expertise of national organizations.  We bring our associations to a new level of effectiveness and efficiency.  

What Do Clients Expect from Effective Association Management?

  1. Membership Recruitment and Retention

  2. Business development with a focus on growing non-dues revenue

  3. Strong fiscal management with appropriate software systems

  4. Robust and frequent member communications

  5. Conference management and event planning

  6. Public relations with press releases and media contacts

  7. Board development and communications

  8. Website management and updating  

Advocacy / Regulatory Agencies

Checkmate Strategies puts clients at the table when regulatory rules and policies are being  made. The actions of state governmental agencies affect policies  and clients and need to be constantly monitored.  For example, healthcare providers need to know the actions of Department of Health and Hospitals, the Office of the Governor, the Office of Workers Compensation, the Patients’ Compensation Fund and the Office of Public Health. We identify those key agencies that are important to our clients and note changes in their policies.

Our team closely monitors the official state register that lists proposed rules and public hearings. We alert our clients to any proposed or emergency administrative changes that affect their industry.  When testimony is needed for hearings, we prepare our clients with strong messaging and presentations. We also engage media to build support for critical issues.

The Regulatory Boards Monitored:

  • Louisiana Patient Compensation Fund Oversight Board

  • Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners

  • Louisiana State Board of Nursing

  • Louisiana State Board of Pharmacy

  • Others are added when issues arise.

State Agencies and Executive Branch Offices Monitored:

  • Department of Insurance

  • Louisiana Department of Education

  • Louisiana Department of Health

  • Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services

  • Louisiana Department of Justice

  • Office of the Governor

  • Louisiana Secretary of State

  • Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry

  • Louisiana Division of Administration

  • Office of Workers Compensation

Grassroots Coalition Building 

Grassroots organizing is the foundation of good governance and civic engagement. An informed and mobilized populace of citizens keep lawmakers honest and attentive to their opinions.  Oftentimes  an issue needs to  build support at local and regional levels to affect a result.  Checkmate Strategies has a depth of experience and demonstrated success at building coalitions that align with our clients’ interests. 

Grassroots organizing involves identifying and engaging organizations that are related to the issue or legislation. We have the research and staff who are experts at this task. Our messaging is also customized and effective to gain  the necessary support.

A Sample of Successful Clients and Issues are: 

  • The American Tort Reform Association

  • Superfund Reform

  • The United/Delta Airline merger

  • PBM legislation

  • Tabacco Buyout for Farmers

  • Repeal of the Federal Estate Tax

  • Artic Power

  • Stand Up for Steel


  • “Cindy Bishop is very well respected across all political lines. She works hard and is always available.” Senator John Alario, Former President, Louisiana Senate

  • “Checkmate Strategies keeps us informed on legislation…before we worked with them we didn’t know the issues that would affect our profession; now we do and our approach is much more refined and effective.” Dr. Clark Gunderson, Legislative Chairman, Louisiana Orthopaedic Association

  • “Checkmate Strategies provides comprehensive services. They plan our conference, manage our association, analyze legislation, keep us informed and represented. Cindy has a passion for her work. I don’t know what we would do without her.” Andy Waldo, Past President, Louisiana Ambulatory Surgery Center Association

  • “We have relied on Checkmate Strategies and the relationships that Cindy Bishop has with key people in the legislature and state agencies. We trust and have confidence that she can get the facts on issues that impact our services and help us to resolve them.“ Bill Price, Past President Lighthouse Louisiana

  • “If you are looking for someone who is honest and hardworking who can take your message and bring it to policymakers, Cindy Bishop is your person. She is incredibly creative and knows how to get things done.” Sue Catchings, Former Chief Executive Officer, Health Centers in Schools

  • “For over two decades our constituency for injured workers in Louisiana relied on Cindy Bishop and Checkmate Strategies to protect the medical rights of our clients. Her dedication and appreciation of the legislative and policy issues affecting our mutual interests were always exceptional. She and her group were instrumental in sustaining fairness and justice in the best interests of Louisiana’s workers comp system and the mutual interests of her clients”. Charles (ChucK) Davoli, JD

  • “Cindy’s ability to build relationships with her clients and advocate for them in the legislative arena is beyond reproach. She dedicates herself to every aspect of the legislative process and is committed to providing services that are rooted in professionalism and transparency.“ Patricia (Pat) Crocker, past president, Child Care Association of Louisiana

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