Opportunities for College Students
Checkmate Strategies offers internships to students in mass communications and political science. Interns gain practical knowledge of the legislative process under the guidance of an experienced government relations professional. This experience is valuable on a resume when seeking a graduate scholarship or employment.
Our interns learn:
The nuts and bolts of the political process for legislation
Effective strategies to execute public relations campaigns
Practical applications of social media in public policy efforts
Development of public testimony and position statement
The responsibilities of our interns:
Attendance at committee hearings
Compilation of reports on legislative hearings
In-person monitoring of Louisiana Senate and House debates
Legislative bill and issue tracking
Assisting public policy statements
Helping with events
To complete this internship requires a minimum of 10 hours per week per semester.
Contact us by text or telephone at: 225.933.5435 or email: cindy.bishop@checkmate-strategies.com