Our Accomplishments
Selected List of Major Accomplishments
Enacted the Smoke Free Air Act which banned smoking in restaurants
Defeated a law to impose monetary penalties on licensed childcare facilities
Enacting the primary seat belt law
Enacted the Child Passenger Safety Law
Enacted a law to require charity hospitals to continue to be subject to Louisiana's Open Meetings law
Amended Louisiana's Public Records Law and the Louisiana Procurement Code
Secured funding for Louisiana's school based health clinics
Strengthened Governor Foster’s concealed carried weapons law to include hunter safety requirements
Enacted a state preference law for meat processors and other agricultural industries
Enacted a law requiring insurance and managed care companies to cover hearing aids for children
Enacted a law to require insurance and managed care companies to cover osteoporosis screenings
Enacted a law to repeal the mandatory retirement age of 70 for justices of the peace and constables
Secured Capital Outlay funding for the Lighthouse for the Blind in New Orleans